Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Water treatment study tour by KA198

The Karelia ENPI CBC project KA198 “Support to sustainable development of Sortavala town for the improvement of environmental situation” is on its way to the finish line. The last study tour, the third one within the project, was organized in Finland for the Russian partners on 15.-16. April 2013. 

The first day of the study tour was devoted to water treatment. Six experts from the partner organization of the Project CJSC Karelvodokanal, who is a water supply and waste water treatment operator of Sortavala, visited the Kuhasalo waste water treatment plant of Joensuu. The purpose of this visit was to compare sludge treatment system in Joensuu with the one in Sortavala. The Russian experts were mostly interested in utilization of sludge, which is a serious environmental problem in Sortavala. However, they found out, that in Finland sludge utilization is also rather problematic because of legal restraints of sludge usage for fertilization.

The afternoon programme of the study tour was organized by Keypro Oy, who specializes in utility planning and maintenance systems. During the previous seminar in December, the partners agreed to arrange a demonstration of duct location system provided by Keypro. 

This experience is crucial for the Karelvodokanal experts, because location of many water pipes is unknown in Sortavala, and it creates a potential ecological hazard. Such a method may be successfully applied by Karelvodokanal, if necessary equipment and expertise are obtained. On the video it is shown how fast it is possible to specify location of water pipes, as signal transmitter is dipped into the expection hole.

The experts of Karelvodokanal showed a particular site on the Sortavala map, where such a method is crucially needed, because the lack of information on pipe location there prevents from conducting necessary construction works. 

Karelvodokanal and Keypro are negotiating about the visit of the Keypro expert to Sortavala with the duct location equipment.

The second day was devoted to planning and coordination of work on the pilot project. A documentarist, who was invited to make a documentary on waste management opportunities in Sortavala based on Finnish experience, arrived to Joensuu to take part in the study tour and get acquainted with the project partners. Another guest visitor was the director of the MUU “Blagoustroystvo i ozelenenie” from Sortavala and the manager of the Sortavala landfill.

The study tour participants visited the Joensuu landfill and a landfill gas station. 

Landfill gas collection opportunities, as well as separate waste collection, will be the focus of the future documentary. 

The last study tour finished, but we are working on the screenplay of the documentary and preparing for the first shooting days, that are planned for the beginning of June.

Inna Aladina

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