Tuesday, October 8, 2013

KA378 DHTrain – Development of an efficient support network and operation model for the municipal energy sector

DHTrain is a development and education project, which focuses on improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of local bioenergy resources in Karelia. Our main objective is to increase know-how and to launch a bioenergy training center.

Among the main pledges to come to life during our project are a new bioenergy study programme and a virtual learning environment. The Pryazha’s district heating plant and the network will be part of our virtual learning environment, which is created on the Planora Inc.’s Iisi-Netti system. All in all, one pre-training and four actual trainings will be held in Oulu and Petrozavodsk to pilot the study programme and the developed system.

The first DHTrain project trip took place in Petrozavodsk on 12–14 March, 2013. We met our Russian partner, OAO Petrozavodsk Communal Systems, and held a successful project meeting with all the project partners. The main objectives of our trip were to deepen the partnership, discuss about the realization of the project and visit the Pryazha’s district heating plant.

Below you will find some photos from our first project trip:

Meeting at the Petrozavodsk Communal System in Petrozavodsk.

Visit at the Pryazha’s district heating plant
(Julia Knjazeva, Planora Inc., Esa Teppo, Planora Inc., Katja Tuukkanen, Oamk and Maxim Danilin, Planora rus).

For the last six months all the project partners have focused on the project work. Planora Inc. has developed their Iisi-Netti system to meet the Russian requirements. Petrozavodsk Communal Systems has searched for plant and network information. At Oulu University of Applied Sciences we have developed parts of the bioenergy study programme, and teachers have started to plan material for the trainings. The research on the possibility to use Geographic Information Systems in Russia to survey the local bioenergy resources has also started. The result of this will be published later on our web site (www.oamk.fi/hankkeet/dhtrain).

During August we have established a DHTrain project office in Pryazha. Pre-training for the four office employees will be held in the beginning of October in Oulu. The main objective of the pre-training is to train the project office employees to use the Iisi-Netti system and the latest design software. The first bioenergy pilot training will be held in Oulu on 9–13 December, 2013. Ten Karelia’s energy company representatives are expected in Oulu to learn more about energy consumption, energy efficiency, energy technology, bioenergy and hear about the latest innovations.

Katja Tuukkanen
Project Manager
Oulu University of Applied Sciences
School of Engineering

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